Hello and welcome! I am Raphael Price, owner and operator of the Valkyrie's Forge. It is my great honor to present to you our wonderful products and provide this modern world with a unique style and creative twist of finely crafted jewelry and art, worthy of the Halls of Valhalla and the Valkyrie's themselves. At 27 years old, hard work and dedication has been a part of my life since day one. Quite literally in fact, as my father has been a successful artist himself for over 30 years now.
He and my mother raised 4 sons and instilled the importance of passion, hard work, quality, ethics, and many more excellent core beliefs that have all helped to create the men we are today. Being the youngest of my brothers, I have learned and continue to learn invaluable lessons as life presses forward. I live in a small town in Utah with my beautiful soon-to-be wife and our incredible 2 year old daughter, both of whom I love dearly.
I have always been drawn to the spirit of Odin, the Valkyrie's and the old ways for as long as I can remember and have been given a great gift to create, I feel it is only fair to repay the favor by doing my best to honor and respect those who have helped me through so much in my life. I am incredibly grateful to be the man I am today, and I can only hope to continue the legacy and gifts that have been passed on to me.